I have been blessed with incredible
acne clients in Chico, Ca. They are so much more to me than customers.
Something magical happens when you lay down and have someone work on your skin. It's the power of touch. And although, I am looking at you through a magnifying lens and performing extractions, you quickly learn that there is no judgement and you begin to feel very safe in my care.
Over the years, people have shared their stories, their challenges, fears, hopes and dreams. I've seen teenagers go back packing through Europe and India, move away to college, start their careers and grow up into beautiful, confident, amazing adults. I've seen people meet the love of their life, have their hearts broken, overcome cancer and have babies. Thousands have passed through
my acne clinic and I often wonder how I got so lucky. Anyone one of these people, I could sit down and have a cup of tea with. I love my people. I love their spirit. I appreciate and respect each and every one of you and am so grateful that you've shared a piece of your life with me. You make my job my passion. I look forward to seeing you walk through that door and telling me what's next...
I pulled my grade up from a D to a B. I turned down a job offer making 50K and decided to go backpacking through Europe instead! I left my husband and I'm moving to Guatemala. I haven't got accepted to UC Santa Cruz yet, but I'm moving there anyway! I did my first marathon. I'm going to study in Korea for a year. He asked me to marry him! I'm pregnant.
Thank you for sharing and thank for trusting me - with your skin and your stories!
All my love, Tatja