Monday, February 11, 2013

Deep Peels For Acne - Yay or Nay?


If you have acne, a deep chemical peel IS NOT for you! Acne sufferers are often so fed up, they are willing to take extreme measures to get rid of their acne. Trust me, a deep chemical peel is not the answer. You can get amazing results through a series of conservative treatments and minimal discomfort - that even the biggest wimp can tolerate!

Deep chemical peels are used for the treatment of deeper facial wrinkles, severe photoaging, and occasionally pre-cancerous growths. Deep chemical peels, are formulated to penetrate into the lower dermal layer of skin.  To manage any discomfort, the treatment is performed under anesthesia and mild sedatives. Due to the relative invasiveness of deep chemical peels, most patients are prescribed pain medications during the initial phase of the healing process. In general, the redness may last two to three months while the swelling will resolve within two weeks.  Despite the longer downtime, the treatment can provide a dramatic improvement which can last up to 10 years.

To learn more about our Acne Treatment Program, or which type of acne treatment is most beneficial for you, please call the acne clinic at (530) 680.2027