Monday, November 5, 2012

Warning Signs of Basal Cell Carcinoma


Listen up! People that use acne or anti-aging products need to take extra precautions against sun exposure.

Basal cell carcinoma is caused by exposure to ultra violet radiation and is most commonly found on areas exposed to the sun. If you find a suspicious growth on your skin, schedule an appointment with your dermatologist immediately.

Warning Signs of Basal Cell Carcinoma:
  • An irritated patch of skin, which may crust over. Itching or tenderness may be present, or there may be no discomfort at all.
  • A sore that remains open for 3 or more weeks with bleeding or oozing present. Sores that do not heal are an early warning sign of basal cell carcinoma.
  • A pinkish growth with a prominent border and a crusty indentation at the center of the growth.
  • A translucent or shiny bump. Its color may be white, pink, or red. In dark haired, dark skinned people the bump may be darker in color - black, brown or tan.  It is often confused with a mole.
  • A waxy, shiny type growth that may have the appearance of a scar. This growth is yellow or white, and has poorly defined borders.