Many acne sufferers are a little apprehensive about using retinoids because they don't want to deal with the the "ugly phase." The ugly phase equates to dryness, redness, and flaking, which can be quite severe depending on the strength of the retinoid and how often it is applied. However, there is such a thing as avoiding the "ugly phase" by gradually allowing your skin to adapt to the retinoid. Begin by applying your retinoid to cleansed skin every third night for two weeks. If you're not experiencing redness, irritation, or excessive peeling, bump up the frequency by applying every other night for two weeks. Once again, if your skin appears to be tolerating the retinoid, go ahead and use it every night. Remember, different types of acne require different types of retinoids. To determine what type of retinoid is best for your acne please schedule an acne skin care consultation by contacting 916SKIN - Acne Skin Care Clinic at (530) 680.2027.