Blackheads and whiteheads, also known as comedones, are filled with dead skin cells, bacteria, and oil... the "gunk." The oil of the acne-prone, may be thick or sticky and get stuck inside the pore. The "gunk" often forms a hardened seed-like structure, which also gets impacted (stuck) inside the pore.
Pimples are filled with the same substance, but have an ecosystem of bacteria proliferating inside the pore. As the bacteria grow, the pimple becomes more inflamed, bigger, often deeper, and more prone to damaging tissue and leaving a scar.
The process of clearing acne, requires these impactions to be removed or "extracted" professionally. Professional extractions will not damage or scar your skin, as is often seen with those picking and carving up their skin at home. We are often told, "don't pick." This is true. Don't pick. Instead, save your skin and see a specialist for acne facial extractions.