Saturday, March 17, 2012

Acne and Retinols

Acne and Dermatology in Chico, Ca. is available through 916 Acne, Skin & Wellness Clinic. Please call the clinic for more information at (530)680.2027.

Just as skin types vary so do retinol products. When choosing a retinol-based product, do your skin a favor, and see a dermatologist, or a skin care professional.  It's important to choose a product that is suited for your skin type, your sensitivity level, and any existing conditions as pure retinols and retinol complexes are formulated differently and will have varying effects on your skin. Protocols also vary. Using a product incorrectly can leave you red, irritated, and broken out. The proper protocol, on the other hand, has the ability to physically transform your skin into a vision of health. To schedule an acne consultation, please contact 916SKIN.