Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Best Acne Treatment in Chico

Treatment for adult acne in Chico, California is available through 916 Acne, Skin & Wellness Clinic. On average, it takes 12 to 16 weeks to get clear. Please visit our website to learn more about our acne treatment program as well as our long distance program for acne management. 530.680.2027

The best acne skin care regime is one that uses the least amount of products at the lowest concentration to get you clear and keep you clear. The only side effects of such a regime should be those that are harmless.  Keep in mind, that in order to get clear and stay clear, it is often necessary to use a complete skin care system - one that may consist of many steps. Often times, staying clear requires advancing to more aggressive topical products.  That being said, everyone is different, and while your friend requires benzoyle peroxide at 2% to get clear, you may require benzoyle peroxide at 10% to achieve the same result. The best course of action is to find an acne doctor or an acne specialist that will provide you with a comprehensive consultation in order to cover the diverse aspects that underlie your acneic condition. Time is key here...  Time to build trust with your practitioner. Time to learn new habits. Time to adapt to new products. Time for your skin to heal. When you get discouraged, just remember... how much time you will save when you don't have to wear make-up anymore, when you don't spend an hour in front of the mirror every night picking, or when you don't cry yourself to sleep because you were too embarrassed to go to the movies with your friends. Yes, time is the key that will turn the lock to a new way of experiencing life!