Friday, February 4, 2011

Tiny Hairs On My Nose or Blackheads???

Acnemanagement, blackhead removal and deep pore cleansing in Chico is available at 916SKIN - Acne, Skin & Wellness Clinic. ACNE CONSULTATIONS: 530.680.2027

If you see tiny little black or brown hairs growing on the surface of your skin... look again, they may be blackheads! The proper name is microfilaments.  Microfilaments are similar to blackheads except their structure looks like that of a tiny hair or splinter. If you are able to remove it with tweezers you may notice there is no root ball at the end of the filament as you would see on a hair. 

With the correct treatment to prepare the skin and loosen the follicular debris, microfilaments can be removed quite successfully - leaving you with a clean, smooth, healthy looking nose.  Often times, the nose can be extremely sensitive, and many people can't tolerate the extractions. In this case, we remove what we can from the follicles (pores)... depending on what you can tolerate, and send you home with products that will clear the microfilaments over time. Proper cleansing, use of a Clarisonic Facial Brush, and exfoliants are all  very important in clearing those impactions.  Be patient... using products alone can take up to 3 to 6 months to get results.