Saturday, November 6, 2010

What Is Acne Vulgaris???

For the treatment of acne vulgaris in Chico, Sacramento, Redding, and surrounding areas in Northern California, please contact 916SKIN Acne, Skin & Wellness Studio to schedule your ACNE CONSULTATIONS: 530.680.2027

Acne vulgaris is the most common disease in the United States, affecting 60-70% of Americans at some point during their lives. Of this percentage, 20% will suffer severe acne, resulting in scarring and psychological damage. Acne vulgaris affects the face, upper chest, and back due to the abundance of sebaceous follicles (pores containing oil glands). Acne vulgaris is characterized by both noninflammatory and inflammatory acne lesions. Noninflamed lesions include open or closed comedones (blackheads or whiteheads). Whereas, inflamed lesions include papules, pustules, or nodules (pinheads/pimples, superficial pimples with a puss filled cap, pimples with a puss filled cap that extend into the dermis or subcutaneous layer and are greater than 5mm in diameter). The underlying root cause of acne vulgaris is a genetic predisposition towards the disease.

Acne vulgaris is classified more specifically as Grades 1-4 acne. Grade 1 Acne is characterized mainly by multiple open comedones. Grade 2 Acne is characterized mainly by closed comedones, and possibly a few papulopustules. Grade 3 Acne consists mainly of inflamed papules and pustules, but comedones may also be present. Grade 4 Acne is characterized by nodules. Papules, pustules, and comedones may also be present in Grade 4 Acne.