Friday, November 5, 2010

Signs of Premenstrual Acne!!!

916Skin is an acne clinic in Chico, California specializing in the treatment of grades 1 - 4 acne.  If you suffer from acne vulgaris in Chico, Sacramento, San Francisco, Red Bluff, Redding, or surrounding areas, please contact 916SKIN.

Premenstrual acne is one of seven types of acne. Premenstrual acne is characterized by inflamed acne lesions along the chin and or jaw line just before menstruation.  At this time, estrogen levels dip to their lowest creating an androgen imbalance.  To learn more about how to manage premenstrual acne, or to find out what type of acne you have, contact 916 Acne, Skin & Wellness Studio and schedule your acne consultation.  Our comprehensive in-office consultations are 60 to 90 minutes and cost $25.  Your consultation fee will be waved when you schedule an acne treatment the same day.

916...your skin's lucky number!!!