Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Why You Shouldn't Pick!

916 is an acne clinic in Northern California. We treat grades 1 through 4, and have had huge success in getting our patients clear.

Picking can cause breaks in the follicle (pore) wall. If you have a pimple or a cyst, it is almost certain that you will cause a break in the follicle wall if you pick. This is BAD! Bacteria from inside the follicle get released into the otherwise sterile environment of the dermis (deeper skin layer). White blood cells begin breaking down collagen and elastin in order to get to the site of infection, and gobble up the bacteria. It is the breaking down of collagen and elastin (proteins that keep your skin looking young, tight, and smooth) that causes pit scarring. So, with that said, LEAVE IT ALONE! You are doing far more harm than good.

Acne surgery in Chico, California is available at 916SKIN - Acne, Skin & Wellness Studio.