Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Another Reason Not To Pick!!!

For those looking to treat acne scars in Sacramento and Chico area visit 916 Acne, Skin & Wellness Studio.

Even the mildest form of acne can cause scarring if you pick. Remember, inflammation leads to Post Inflamatory Hyperpigmentation scarring (PIH). This means that even someone that has noninflamed acne can have PIH. How so? Picking at the non-inflamed lesion, whether it be a blackhead or a whitehead, causes irritation and inflamation, which can lead to PIH. The best way to avoid this type of scarring is...do not pick. If you do have inflammed lesions, apply ice for 60 seconds 2 to 3 times each day to reduce the chances of PIH.

To schedule your acne consultation, please contact the studio.