916SKIN - ACNE CLINIC IN CHICO, CA (530) 503.9169

Stress - one the top triggers for acne. If you have acne or are prone to breakouts, learning to manage your stress can help improve your complexion.
Next time you need to destress and improve your mood, spend some time with your animal friends. Our animals are the first to let us know when it's time stop working and start relaxing! Studies show that spending time with a pet decreases stress levels. According to a study at the University of Buffalo, spending time with your cat or dog can lower blood pressure.
To learn more about how to effectively get rid of acne and what underlying factors are causing your acne, please call 916SKIN - ACNE CLINIC to schedule a skincare consultation. (530) 680.2027

Stress - one the top triggers for acne. If you have acne or are prone to breakouts, learning to manage your stress can help improve your complexion.
Next time you need to destress and improve your mood, spend some time with your animal friends. Our animals are the first to let us know when it's time stop working and start relaxing! Studies show that spending time with a pet decreases stress levels. According to a study at the University of Buffalo, spending time with your cat or dog can lower blood pressure.
To learn more about how to effectively get rid of acne and what underlying factors are causing your acne, please call 916SKIN - ACNE CLINIC to schedule a skincare consultation. (530) 680.2027