This depends on the type of chemical peel and the person's skin. There are many professional peels that leave the skin in a healthy state with no redness, no down-time, and great results. Chemical peels for acne and acne scarring in Chico, Ca. is available at 916SKIN - Acne & Wellness Clinic.
There are 4 classes of chemical peels: very superficial, superficial, medium, and deep. What sets one type of peel apart from another is the type of peeling solution used (ie: salicylic, trichloroacetic, glycolic , etc.), and the depth that the peeling solution will travel. How deep the peeling agent penetrates the skin depends on the following: concentration of the acid, pH of the solution, the number of chemical layers applied to the skin, as well as the amount of time that it takes for the chemical peel to neutralize.
Your acne treatment specialist may perform a spot test on the skin prior to your chemical peel, and will go over your medical history to help determine, which peel is best for your type of acne. Experience has shown that reactions to chemical peels are rare. But, when they do occur, even the most tolerant skin types can be affected.
Here is Samantha's famous chemical peel scene from Sex & the City.