Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunscreen Over My Makeup - Really?

Sunscreen for acne prone skin in Chico, Ca. is available through 916SKIN - Acne, Skin & Wellness Clinic: 530.680.2027

So, you can't bare the thought of reapplying sunscreen over your makeup throughout the day... You're not alone. People that wear powder and mineral foundations are typically the "reapplication rebels" of the sunscreen world. If this is you - keep reading.

Over the years, many of my patients have resisted the idea of reapplying sunscreen, but quickly learned about the set backs that accompany photosensitive skin. Anytime you use products that accelerate cell-turn-over (the shedding process), your skin becomes more vulnerable to the sun. And while your products may be providing you with great results, you can actually do more harm by not properly protecting your skin from UV rays. In short, you are increasing your risk for developing skin cancer. Here are a few indicators that you need to reapply your sunscreen: your skin is more prone to redness, you begin to experience burning when applying your skin care products, or your skin becomes irritated and overly dry.

For those of you that know you should reapply, but don't, won't, and never will... mineral makeup does offers a certain level of protection from UV rays. Using a mineral makeup makes it easier to reapply/dust on throughout the day.  Some prefer compact minerals in the morning for fuller coverage in evening out skin tone, but use a light mineral powder to dust on their face throughout the day for continual UV protection. There are different types of mineral makeups ranging from minimal coverage to full coverage, compacts to powders. A shop that specializes in cosmetics is your best option because not only will they color match your makeup to your skin, but they offer different product lines, and different price points. For locals, I recommend Pure Skin in downtown Chico. Their mineral makeups are clean and affordable.

Regardless of the method, you need to protect your skin from the sun. Applying sunscreen in the morning is just not enough. You need protection throughout the day, preferably, a sunscreen with at least a 7% zinc oxide or 7% titanium dioxide. If you have fair skin, spend time outdoors, or use acne products or anti-aging skin care products, I strongly recommend a sunscreen with 18% zinc oxide and reapplication 2 to 6 times per day. Really.