Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Will Glycolic Acid Help My Breakouts?

916 Acne, Skin & Wellness Studio offers glycolic acid for acne. 916 offers glycolic acid 5% and glycolic acid 10% in a water based serum.  To ensure that you receive the correct products for your type of acne, and understand how to use them properly, all acne products at 916 require a consultation prior to purchase.

Glycolic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid derived from sugar cane.  It has a shorter carbon chain than other alpha hydroxies.  It consists of 2 carbons, which allows it to penetrate quicker and deeper. And although it is more effective at controlling oil than mandelic, it can also cause more irritation.  Not everyone is a candidate for glycolic. And in many cases, glycolic is a product that you work up to - rather than start out on. Irritation causes dryness, and dryness causes breakouts - so better to start conservatively and avoid potential breakouts!