Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Are You Ready for the Clear Skin Program???

916 Acne, Skin & Wellness Studio is an acne clinic in Northern California that is successfully clearing acne within approxiamately 3 months. To find out more about our acne program in Chico, California, check out our website or call the studio and schedule an Acne Consultation. Phone Consultations are also available for those of you that are long distance. Please call (530)680.2027.

An Acne Consultation at 916SKIN takes about 60 to 90 minutes. It consists of an introduction to our program, skin analysis, serum testing, Clear Skin packet, lots of opportunites for you to ask questions, and instructions for your first two weeks of home care.

Successfully treating acne requires patience and persistence. The Clear Skin Program is not for just anyone with acne. Many times, we turn people away because we do not feel they are ready for the program. People who are successful are those who are willing to do just about anything to get clear. They have tried it all. They are frusterated, depressed, and extremely skeptical. These are the people we want to treat because they are hungry to get clear, which means that they will be sure to make every scheduled treatment, and are dedicated and diligent in doing their home care routine. Getting clear is no easy task. It's work. So, do your research. Think it over. We are here to help you when you are ready!