Monday, April 5, 2010

Does Using Ice Really Help???

916SKIN Acne, Skin & Wellness Studio is an acne clinic in Chico, California. We offer an acne program, which includes acne treatments and acne surgery in Chico, California530.680.2027

Does using ice really help???
Absolutely!!! Of course, it depends on the type of acne. Dr. Fulton refers to ice as the "secret sauce" for those with inflamed acne. If you have pimples, pustules, or cysts with a red base, or any kind of redness from inflammation, than ice is your best friend!!! Inflammation causes scarring. If you put out the fire you will reduce your chances of scarring. Don't skimp or skip when it comes to icing!!!

I suggest my clients ice their acne twice a day applying 60 seconds per area. For example, forehead 60 seconds, one cheek 60 seconds, one side of your jaw 60 seconds, and so on.
You can ice 4 to 5 times a day if you have the time. Ice should be used before you apply your product. If you're going to ice more than twice a day, make sure to wait a couple of hours after applying your product so that you don't dilute it, or wash it off all together. Always make sure to reapply your sunscreen!

To your beauty... inside and out!