Monday, October 5, 2009

Are You Washing Your Face The Right Way???

916SKIN Acne, Skin & Wellness Studio offers acne treatments in Chico, California.

Are you washing your face the right way? Did you know there is a "right way?" Do you wash your face at all?

Some of my patients have discovered that by simply learning to wash their face correctly they can control their breakouts. For starters, how you wash your face depends on your skin type. Are you oily? Are you dry? Or, do you have combination/t-zone skin? You need a cleanser that is specifically suited for your skin type. Using the wrong cleanser for your skin can lead to breakouts. If you're not sure what your skin type is schedule a consultation with a skin care professional, and find out. You will want to get a professional cleanser from an aesthetician, spa, dermatologist, or plastic surgeon. Many over the counter products contain comedogenic ingredients (pore clogging) and are not pH balanced despite what the label says!

You want to wash your face every morning and every night - religiously. For those prone to breakouts, skipping this step even once can be the kiss of death!!! For those with dry skin, if you are using the right cleanser it will not dry you out.

Most of us swish the cleanser around on our face a few times and wash it right off. You have to give the cleanser a chance to work it's magic! It has to bind, and lift, and dissolve, and this takes a little time. Oily skin is much more resistant. You will want to spend at least 60 seconds washing your face with gentle, repeat...gentle, circular motions. Many people get stuck on the cheeks - don't fall into this robotic cleanse. Spend time on your oiliest areas... your forehead, sides of your nose, chin, jaw, etc. In the evenings, I recommend oily skin types cleanse twice in a row to get off the oily grit and grime from the day. Your goal is to have a squeaky clean face and minimize bacteria.

Cell turn over time takes 4 to 12 weeks depending on your age. This is the time it takes for new cells to migrate to surface of your skin. It can also take up to 90 days for a zit to surface. This means you may not see results from your improved cleansing habits for a while, but hang in there... it will pay off. If you are still breaking out after giving this a fair shot, it is time to take the next step in managing your breakouts. This requires a thorough skin evaluation.

916SKIN - Acne, Skin & Wellness Studio offers skin consultations in Chico, California. Sometimes referred to as a skin analysis, skin examination, or skin evaluation. Check out my website, and call to schedule a consultation. For long distances, phone consults are available. I look forward to speaking with you!