For all you
acne-prone peeps out there, a cup of Yerba Mate every day is a healthier alternative to coffee.
Unlike coffee, Yerba Mate is anti-inflammatory. It's a drink made from the leaves of a native South American plant. While both the caffeine content of coffee and Yerba Mate stimulate stress hormones associated with the adrenal glands, Yerba Mate contains vitamin C and B complex vitamins, which give these glands a boost so you can manage stress more effectively.
Yerba Mate contains approximately 80mg of caffeine per 8oz cup while coffee contains 100 to 200mg per cup. Eliminating caffeine entirely is the best path to take to
manage your acne in Chico , but not always realistic. For those of you not ready to jump on the caffeine-free wagon just yet, but wanting a healthier alternative for your skin, choose Yerba Mate.