Thursday, August 23, 2012

Botox Treatment for Acne

A holistic approach for acne treatment in Chico, Ca is available at 916SKIN - Acne Clinic. Please take the time to review our acne testimonials. To schedule a consultation please call (530) 680.2027

A analysis was conducted by Anil Shah, MD, FACS using an off-label Botox procedure to monitor the safety and effectiveness of botulinum toxin on sebaceous (oil) gland activity and pore size in 20 patients. Typically, for cosmetic procedures, Botox is reconstituted with 2cc Bacteriostatic saline per 100 units of Botulism toxin. For the purpose of this study, however, Botox was reconstituted with 5cc Bacterostatic saline - yielding a more diluted product than what would be used for typical cosmetic procedures. This is important, I don't want people out there to read this and have an image of frozen, motionless faces. With a very tiny needle (30 gauge or smaller), Microdroplets of the Botulism toxin were injected into targeted areas of the dermis.

After one treatment, the one month follow-up appointment revealed that 17 out of 20 patients experienced a decrease in oil production, and 17 out of 20 patients experienced reduced pore size.  Six out of 20 patients experienced minor redness around the injection sites at the inner cheeks and the nose for approximately 3 days.  None of the patients experienced facial weakness. Nicely done Dr. Shah!