Monday, June 4, 2012

Can Toxins Cause Acne?

Solutions for acne in Sacrament, Ca. are available though 916SKIN - ACNE CLINIC.
To learn more about how to clear your acne please call or visit our website.
(530) 680.2027

Day after day, we are exposed to external toxins such as pesticides, industrial pollutants, chemicals in cleaning products and personal care products that make their way into the body, and infiltrate our tissues, our organs, and our cells. The body is also inundated with toxins produced internally. While metabolic waste is a natural cellular process, many of the internal toxins are the result preservatives and chemicals found in processed foods that have become a part of the Standard American Diet (SAD). Processed foods lack the natural enzymes and nutrients that help with digestion. Without these "helpers," food sits in the digestive system fermenting and producing harmful toxins. As the body works to eliminate the increasing level of toxins, it becomes overloaded, and excess toxins get stored in the tissues and organs to be detoxified at a later date. As a result, the body becomes backed up with toxins, and symptoms of toxicity begin to develop. These toxins can not only result in numerous skin disorders including psoriasis, eczema, and acne, but they can lead to significant health problems and disease. 

The book Clean by Alejandro Junger is a good starting point for a gentle, do-it-yourself detoxification program. For those wanting a more comprehensive approach to the detoxification process please contact the clinic.