Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Toxic Overload (part 5)... Eliminate Toxins


Flushing toxins from your body is key in the cleansing process. Toxins are eliminated through feces, urine, lungs, and of course, the skin.  When doing a cleanse/detox - the foods, herbs and supplements taken help remove stored toxins from the tissues. This process can do more harm than good if toxins are not properly eliminated. Poor elimination can lead to toxins being redistributed to the tissues, and to different locations - which could cause more harm and a host of different toxicity symptoms. To manage toxic overload, aim for 2 full bowel movements every day - typically the size of a banana.

How to eliminate toxins:
#1) Drink plenty of fluids - stick with filtered or distilled water and decaffeinated herbal teas to help the kidneys and the bowels flush toxins.

#2) Eat a diet high in fiber - fiber binds to toxins in the intestinal tract, which is eliminated with bowel movements.

#3) Exercise daily - a little huffing, puffing and sweating helps eliminate toxins through the lungs and skin.

#4) Take additional Magnesium if needed - Magnesium helps with bowel movements and is best take at bedtime.

To learn more about our Nutritional Cleansing Program or our Acne Treatment Program please visit our website, or call the clinic to schedule a consultation. (530) 680.2027